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Installation and configuration of this package must be done manually. The following steps must be completed:

This step is highly reccomended:

Please follow the steps carefully.

Assigns setup

Ensure the assigns HELP: and REXX: are available on your system. If not, add the following assignments in your user-startup file, MCP configuration etc.

HELP: - Default location browser will search for amigaguide and GetHelp documents. The normal assignment is to SYS:Locale/Help. If you choose to store your GetHelp documents elsewhere simply add an assignment to your preferred location to HELP:.

e.g. ASSIGN Help: Work:YourDocs ADD

REXX: - The Arexx server will search for your Arexx scripts here. This is where the GetHelp.rexx script needs to reside.

File copying

GetHelp script:

Copy GetHelp.rexx to REXX:

NOTE: The path to your preferred browser needs to be set in the definitions section of GetHelp.rexx

SearchHTML executable and script (not required to use GetHelp):

Copy SearchHTML.rexx to REXX:

Copy the executable SearchHTML to C: or your preferred location.

NOTE: The path to SearchHTML needs to be set in SearchHTML.rexx. This script also uses an IBrowse Arexx command to determine the current directory... Unsure of equivalent commands required for other browsers... Sorry!

Demonstration '.help' files:

Copy, and to HELP:

Default icon for '.help' files:

Copy to ENVARC:Sys

NOTE: The default tool for this icon is OpenURL

Browser configuration

Browser configuration consists of the following:

Here is the required MIME configuration for IBrowse. Note the MIME entries for Amigaguide and GetHelp system applications. The %r argument passes the actual path of the link to the arexx script. The %f argument simply passes the link as is, which is sufficient for Amigaguide calls.


The configuration for AWeb is nearly identical, except that the %u option should be instead of %r

Add the following entry to the Arexx configuration page:

Arexx configuration

HotKey Configuration (Reccommended)

In my system, I have configured the venerable ToolManager to start the Arexx script GetHelp.rexx when I hit rAMIGA+HELP keys. This starts my browser and displays my default Help page. If you have successfully configured your Browser to recognise .help files correctly, you should see the default Help page. See usage for further information on how to access help files from your Browser.

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